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Revolutionising the fight against financial crime: Protecting You, Your Loved Ones, and Your Community
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Our mission is paramount

At AlertSpeed, we are revolutionising fraud prevention and screening for financial institutions. Our mission is simple, personal, and urgent: to protect you, your loved ones, and your community from harm.

Our vision

To deliver cutting-edge technological solutions that seamlessly integrate with existing systems, empowering financial institutions to stay ahead of emerging threats and protect their customers.

Our mission

We are driven to reduce the misery, financial pain, and risks caused by financial crime. By leveraging our founders' expertise identifying threats for law enforcement, national security clients and applying those pioneering techniques to financial crime prevention; we offer a fundamentally new way to combat fraud and reduce risk.

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Our story

To us, the mission is paramount - the eradication of financial crime!

AlertSpeed was founded by experts who worked in government, specialising in the discovery of bad actors hiding in vast amounts of data using advanced technology  in real-time contexts.

Initially developed for law enforcement, national security and cybersecurity clients, these techniques have now been adapted to combat financial crime more effectively than ever before.

Realising the potential to revolutionise financial crime prevention by applying these techniques developed for national security and law enforcement clients, our founders teamed up with specialists in financial crime and a banking fraud data scientist.

Together, they created AlertSpeed, a ground-breaking solution that combines their unique backgrounds, insights and cutting-edge technologies.

Fighting Financial & Human Crimes

Our achievement

After more than two years of dedicated development, AlertSpeed combines both well-known and lesser-known techniques in innovative ways, offering unprecedent accuracy and speed. This revolutionary approach addresses today's toughest fraud and screening challenges.

Recognised as a Global Fintech RegTech 100 company. Our accolades include the 2024 FCC50 awards from Chartis and a 5-star rating for real-time capabilities in their 2024 Name Screening RiskQuadrant. 


We are more than just a technology solutions provider, we are a team united by a shared mission and a commitment to deliver solutions that do more than just ok. 


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Experienced Leadership

Dedication Expertise Passion

Meet the experienced leadership behind Alertspeed, driving the advancement of financial security and compliance. Our team comprises industry veterans and technology enthusiasts who are passionate about shaping the future of RegTech. With a shared vision of enhancing transparency and trust in financial operations, we strive to provide unparalleled support to our clients, ensuring their resilience against fraudulent activities.

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Want to hear more?
Discover how AlertSpeed is transforming the fight against financial crime with unmatched accuracy and speed. Join us in our mission to make financial services safer and more secure. 

Book your free demo today

 “Our mission stems from our collective experiences with fraud, some with tragic outcomes. We are committed to helping institutions combat financial crime, which affects millions globally. Today, we are leading on developing advanced technologies to support financial institutions in fighting fraud and ensuring compliant lower risk payments.”
Chris Hilton, CEO & Founder

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